New home tour featuring Redbubble – A Curious Fancy




Today I’m finally sharing a tour of our new place! We moved here end of September last year and there’s still so much to be done, but I wanted share what we’ve achieved so far and how we’ve used art and home decor from Redbubble to do up our tall, narrow, somewhat-impractical-but-just-right-for-us townhouse. You can shop most of our wall art at this link, and if you follow the link to my other favourite collections on Redbubble, you’ll find links to all the Redbubble sourced products you can see in our home.

In sharing these photos – shot with a phone camera, no less! – I’m very much aware that our house is a) A work in progress, b) Nowhere near perfect, and c) A far cry from the Instagram perfect homes in tasteful monochrome shades that I so wish I could emulate but which my love of prints and colours simply doesn’t allow me to achieve. All our furniture except for the green velvet sofa in our living room is either old, second hand, or handed down by family and friends. It’s not meant to be an inspirational home, but a cosy, lived in, loved in one. And this is what it looks like after we’ve finished our weekly clean and put our feet up.

Art by Owen on the wall and by Lila on the mother’s day card ❤️

Assorted wall hangings from a little shop in Amble, art prints from Redbubble with art by Monica Segura and Callie Garp, macrame hanging by me.

Lila’s room with her brand new playtent that she calls her house and falls asleep in every night (after which we move her to her actual bed!)

Colourful and kid’s room perfect wall art from Redbubble.

I very much envy parents whose kids’ rooms are perfectly decorated in muted shades with not a single clashing object in sight and especially no books with their spines chewed off, but my toddler is not one of those toddlers and all I can do is tidy away the worst of it into her toy chest!

Our living room with moons and moths tapestry by Lea Yunk from Redbubble, woven blooms tapestry by Phoebe Wahl, and a ginormous Ikea lampshade.

The urban jungle corner is my favourite corner in the entire house.

Fat positive art prints and oversized cushion from Redbubble a couple of years ago.

Owen pretending to relax in his study, all art prints again from Redbubble.

And down the stairs we go! (This house is about 50% stairs just like my stepdad’s house which I spent most of my teens and twenties in.)

One of the two handpainted vintage chairs that we rescued from being chopped up for firewood (!)

And finally the kitchen, the heart of the house and what made us fall in love with this place.

Art print by Aditi Kamat from Redbubble that I twinned with on Instagram last week.

And finally a little glimpse into our backyard which we still haven’t done anything to, so you can’t see it yet! But once we give it a clean and get a few outdoor plants, it’d be just perfect to gaze out at from those big patio doors! I hope you enjoyed this tour of our home. Like I said at the beginning, it’s not an Instagram perfect house and almost nothing is new or expensive, but it’s just right for us and we absolutely love it here!

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