Having been big fans of London based international band Calva Louise‘s colossal soaring metal inspired sounds for a number of years, we’ve been loving the recent run of cinematic sci-fi inspired singles. Set in the alternative universe laid out in previous singles ‘La Corriente‘ and ‘Under The Skin‘, latest single ‘WTF‘ showcases front woman Jess Allanic’s fierce vocal with an immense power, showcasing the band’s innovative creativity; an evocative fusion of fantastical fiction with a searing sense of urgency.
We caught up with Jess to find out more about the recent singles, the band’s inspirations and their recent tour with Indian metal band Bloodywood. Have read, and watch the video for ‘WTF’, below!
Hi Jess, hope you’re well! Thanks so much for speaking to Get In Her Ears. We’ve been huge fans of Calva Louise here at Get In Her Ears since first hearing your debut album, Rhinoceros, back in 2019! But for those who don’t know, are you able to tell us a little bit about Calva Louise and how you all got together to start creating awesome music?
Each of us grew up in three different continents and landed in London at the same time looking for the same musical experience. I came from Venezuela to France and met Alizon when I was 16, then met Ben in London and together we formed Calva Louise in 2016, looking to build a solid musical project. When we were struggling to understand more about the music industry, we felt as if we were living a kind of absurdity, like the characters in Ionesco’s play La Cantante Calva -in Spanish – which combined with Louise – the name of the main character of the Lore – resulted in Calva Louise.
And are there any particular musicians or artists who inspire your writing?
The sound influences for us evolves continuously, but started from bands like Muse, SOAD, QOTSA, Molotov, Calle 13, Cafe Tacvba, Carpenter Brut, Ghost and currently Spiritbox.
We love the immense, ferocious power of your latest single ‘W.T.F’ – can you tell us a bit about the track, and what inspired it?
It turns basically around the concept of the human duality represented by the existence of two sides in the human life experience. Following the characters from the Lore of the story that I started to write when I was 10 years old, the both sides are identical in appearance and are called ‘The Travellers’ and their counterparts ‘The Doubles’.
The single is linked to your previous releases ‘La Corriente’ and ‘Under The Skin’, all set within a science fiction alternative reality – are you able to explain a bit more about this and the story behind the tracks?
As the music videos form part of a larger science fiction project to provide an immersive experience for the audience, all Calva Louise’s songs are linked as prequels or sequels of the first of their Lore’s video production – ‘Camino’, which was released in 2020. The video graphic sequences are constantly evolving with each new song, following the new effects skills that I’m learning continuously, and also dependent on the budget that the band can afford for each new video production, which is currently practically 0… Linked to this part of the story, the conflict arose when the Travellers met their Doubles before the arrival of the hybrid predators coming from other worlds. The sequels continue showing how some Doubles were corrupted with addictive substances injected by the hybrids under their skins, to steal the life energy from them and in consequence from their avatars that are the Travellers, who are the organic human beings like us. The Doubles are their inorganic source of energy, and the hybrids are half organic and half machines, who steal life energy as food to their survival in the hidden worlds.
And how has the songwriting process been for these recent singles, has it been quite different from your previous recordings?
Since the beginning, I had a plan for the releases based on three different perspectives, where the lyrics represent our experience as we the humans live in this world. The symbolism represents portals to new perceptions of reality through our dreams, and the music and videos represent the unification of both sides in an unknown dimension where all perceptions are intertwined, including foreign energy predation coming from other worlds.
You’re originally from Venezuala, with your band mates Alizon from France and Ben from New Zealand – a truly international band! How have you found the music scene compares in those places to here in the UK? And how do you find all being from different places affects your experience as a band?
British and American rock music are the common basis for all of us since we were kids, but the Latin rock music is the most particular and individual influence on me as songwriter.
I’ve been lucky enough to catch you live a couple of times (over here at a John Kennedy event at Omeara, and in New York supporting Slothrust in 2022), and both times have been completely blown away by your incredible energy and fiercely immersive musicality! Has there been a particular show over the years that stands out as a highlight for you?
This current tour supporting Indian metal band, Bloodywood. It’s been the best experience ever!
Generally, when you’re out on tour, are there any particular essentials that you like to take with you to keep you going?
My computer in a custom case that Alizon built for me so I can finish the new videos between the soundchecks and the shows and on the days off.
As we’re an organisation with a focus on supporting new and marginalised artists, I just wondered how you feel the industry is for them at the moment? And do you feel much has changed over the years in its treatment of female and queer artists?
It still needs a lot of work, it’s a fact that artists are always at the bottom of the industry. Things are slowly changing, but more needs to be done!
And are there any other exciting bands or artists that you’d recommend we check out at the moment?
Bobby Wolfgang!
Is there anything else you’d like to add about upcoming plans or particular thoughts you’d like to mention?
We’d love to tour the US again!
Huge thanks to Jess for answering our questions! Watch the cinematic new video for ‘WTF’ here:
Calva Louise are currently on tour with Indian metal band Bloodywood, catch them live at Kentish Town Forum on Thursday 27th March – tickets here.
Photo Credit: Henry Calvert